Simple Website
Use an Exporter
Own Contents
Portable Presenter is a package designed to give
presentations. Doing the presentation is one thing, but you like to
have this show publicly available afterwards.
The most popular way to present your slides after "the real thing" is
by creating a website. The module
PPresenter::Export::Website::HTML.pm can do this
for you, although this is not a really easy thing: you need a bit more
knowledge about Perl for this.
This export option is useless whithout Image::Magick installed.
Exporters are not automatically added to your show. It is not (but could be)
a part of a style. So: anywhere in your program you have to add the line
Start the show. When the compilation of the exporter module is successful,
you can access the options of the module via the background module.
Some basic changes can be made, like the format and the width of the
images to be produced (the height of the image is scaled the same as
the width is). Most changes you want to make to the produced site require
you to write your own exporter module.
The Website object extends to IM_Images
object and the general Export object.
Next to those options, you may set:
- -slideAs => way-to-dump
-notesAs => way-to-dump
- The default settings how the slides should be included in the
webpages. The way-do-dump value is one of
- Requires Image::Magick. The screens are copied using XWD and
then converted into the specified format and width.
- The template should have a makeHTMLTable function and the
formatter shall provide a toHTML function for this to work.
The text is transformed into HTML which should show similar to
the screen.
- The formatter should provide a makeHTMLLinear function for
this to work. The template layout be be lost, but the content
of slides is translated into HTML.
- -outputDir => directory
- The specified directory will contain the site. If this directory
does not exist, it will be created.
- -indexFile => file
- Each slide will be stored in a seperate directory, in a file under
this name. All links between the pages will be very explicit about
the filename specified here, although it is the default of the
machine where the site resides. Because of that, you can test your
site with the
file: primitive too.
You can only use an export if you invoke it explicitly in your presentation
program. There are two ways to do this:
my $show = PPresenter->new(options);
my $export =
my $show = PPresenter->new(options);
my $export =
Each website is different. An option-menu is not sufficient to all demands.
Therefore, if you want to produce your own layout, you have to override
parts of the standard exporter.
Perl offers two ways to override the functionality: a very dirty but
fast one, and a pretty OO-version which is a bit more work.
The dirty way:
sub PPresenter::Export:Website::HTML::PageLogo($$)
{ my ($export, $show, $slide) = @_;
my $file = $slide ? "../logo.gif" : "logo.gif";
"<IMG SRC=$file WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=107>";
and the nice OO-way:
file MyWebsite.pm
package MyWebsite;
use PPresenter::Export:Website::HTML';
use base 'PPresenter::Export:Website::HTML';
sub PageLogo($$)
{ my ($export, $show, $slide) = @_;
my $file = $slide ? "../logo.gif" : "logo.gif";
"<IMG SRC=$file WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=107>";
The Page table built by calling a huge amount of functions, which all can
be overridden when needed. The main structure of the default webpages is:
Normal pages: | Front page: |
Commercial |
PageLogo | Chapter |
VerticalIndex |
Signature |
Commercial |
PageLogo | Chapter |
VerticalIndex |
Signature |
Now the name of the functions. The parameters show which arguments are
passed on. In each case, the $slide can have the value
undef to indicate that the result is used in the frontpage.
- $export->Title($show, $slide)
- Constructs the text to be included in the
container of the web-page. This should be kept short.
- $export->Chapter($show, $slide)
- The main header of the page. This will be included in a
container of each produced page.
- $export->PageLogo($show, $slide)
- The piece of code which is locked-up in the top-left corner of each
page. This will usually be an image, optionally enclosed in by a link.
- $export->VerticalIndex($show, $slide, $previous, $next)
- As good practice, the left column of a page is used to refer to other
related pages. It may also contain an index of the same page, when this
page gets too long.
- $export->ExtraText($show, $slide)
- Text you want to add to a page. Most useful for the frontpage to
tell the site's visitor where the slides are about.
- $export->MainPageIndex($show)
- This function produces a table of defined slides, by default.
- $export->HorizontalIndex($show, $slide, $previous, $next)
- Like the vertical index, but now horizontally. Usually produces a
pointer to the previous and to the next slide in the presentation.
- $export->Commercial($show, $slide)
- May produce text which is included in the HTML as first in the
BODY . This may be used to show commercial messages, and
such alike.
- $export->Signature($show, $slide)
- Displayed at the bottom of the page.
There are more routines which you can override, but then the programming
gets tough. Look at the source to see how this is done.
The structure of the produced sites is controled by the following
functions (can be overruled too)
- sub $export->slideDir($slide)
- Returns the directory where the slide's page for that phase is
stored. By default, this is the slide's sequence-number, followed
by a dash, followed by the actual slide's phase.
For example: "23-2 ".
- sub $export->slide2filename($slide)
- The filename of the slide.
For example: "
website/3/index.html ".
- sub $export->slide2main()
- The path to follow to go from slide to the main page. By default,
this is one directory up, and there the
-indexFile .
For example: "../index.html".
- sub $export->main2slide($slide)
- The path to follow from the main page to a slide.
For example: "
23-2/index.html ".
- sub $export->slide2slide($slide)
- How to refer from one slide to the other.
May result in "
../23-2/index.html ".
With these functions, you can change the structure of the pages produced, but
it is not adviced to do so.
As example, a exporter module which has some things changed to personal
package MyWebsite;
use PPresenter::Export::Website::HTML;
use base 'PPresenter::Export::Website::HTML';
sub PageLogo($$)
{ my ($export, $show, $slide) = @_;
my $file = $slide ? "../logo.gif" : "logo.gif";
sub ExtraText($$)
{ my ($export, $show, $slide) = @_;
return '' if $slide; # only extra text for the intro page.
This presentation was given for....
In the main program, you have to add the one line:
Start your presentation and select in your background menu the entry
export/Website . After pressing EXPORT and
OK , followed by a cup of coffee, you'll have your site.