Portable Presenter
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Portable Presenter is a package designed to give presentations. PPresenter is brought to you under a GNU licence, what makes it free to be used and extended.

List of old releases

...more recent versions...
2000/04/21 v1.07 (292k) Implementation of complex backgrounds. Coding hooks (callbacks) while displaying. Some fixes w.r.t. Image::Magick and Perl6.
2000/01/10 v1.00 (280k) Windows32 works now.
1999/11/14 v0.97 (277k) Exporting to websites and list of slide dumps.
1999/10/31 v0.96 (267k) Two nasty mistakes resolved.
1999/10/28 v0.95 (267k) Tutorials on writing presentations. Copyright statements and other stuff required for GPL.
1999/09/26 v0.94 (295k, 7400 lines of code) Few fixes. Shows phases to go for a slide. Exporting slides to images works (requires ImageMagick).
1999/09/08 v0.93 (291k) Few fixes. Introduction of special characters in markup-language. Initial code to dump slides to postscript, images and HTML.
1999/08/12 v0.92 (286k) Implemented (and documented) scaling of images and optional use of Image::Magick
1999/08/02 v0.91 (326k) Documented all the features (and fixed some things). Close to version 1!
1999/07/28 v0.28 (254k) Full rewrite to allow multiple screens in one show.
1999/07/04 v0.21 (228k) The first public version is available.


For questions or contributions, you can email ask@ppresenter.org.

Portable Presenter is written and maintained by Mark Overmeer. Copyright (C) 2000-2002, Free Software Foundation FSF.