The OODoc module is designed to create manual pages independent from the source of the information and the type of output. The documentation may be extracted from the source code with a parser (like the Markov parser, which extends the syntax of POD with logical markup) and the output may be plain POD or HTML.

OODoc can be extended with new input parsers and output formatters in an Object Oriented way. OODoc supports features to improve the documentation of Object Oriented modules.

Read the manual-page of the command oodist, included in this distribution.

all manuals
A list of all manuals included in OODoc.
all methods
An overview of all methods, arranged alphabetically
all diagnostics
A list of all diagnostics which can be produced by this module. Often useful to determine which method is complaining about a mistake.
all details
Many manual pages contain a DETAILS chapter which explains all kinds of facts about the general background, implementation specifics, and examples of complex use of the items. Looking through the full list of details may help to find a solution.

Examples of OODoc

This website is a demonstration of the output of the OODoc::Format::Html formatter, which uses templates to describe the pages. A much simpler example of OODoc is demonstrated by the html of the MIME::Types module.

Both set-ups are included in the module's distribution as example, and other will follow in the future.

Mark Overmeer. Documentation of OODoc version 2.02, produced with OODoc on 2021/12/08.